My dear, dear BFF, Linda. It was so great to see her again! Too many years have gone by. I really have to scan some old pictures of us because they are hilarious. When I think of how many hours we logged together from ages 5 to 14, it just seems like we were in a constant playdate/sleepover! I love this girl. It was so fun to catch up, and the kids had so much fun playing with her boys and her chickens. Let's not wait 5 years until next time, Linda Lou!
Max always loves visiting Utah, but this trip was especially blissful for him because of all the babies! My nieces Jayne and Tess each had babies about a day apart from each other, and we finally got to meet them. Meet baby Claire and baby Calvin:
Awesome! I love my nieces and nephews (all 24 of them). And how awesome is it that I have great nieces and nephews too? (8 of them). Normally that would make me sound soooo old, but when you consider the fact that I became an auntie at age 9, do the math, it's not so bad. Jayne and Tess, you are two of the cutest and best little mammas in the world and I'm so glad we got to hang out!
Jonah (Jayne's), Jo Jo (my sis), Emmy (Jayne's), Jayne with Claire, Tess with Calvin
Max and Calvin. They bonded because Cal looks so much like Max as a baby!
Lily, Max, Lainey (Tess') and Sydnie (my brother Paul's only girl)
Jonah and Lainey, enjoying "nature"
We picked Sydnie up on the first day and kept her with us the whole week. Lily is so lucky to have a best cousin--only 8 days apart.
Chillin' with Grandma Nette after another long day of water play
Speaking of swimming, we did a LOT of it on this trip. Water every day! Thanks to Grandma Gwen's pool (who isn't actually our grandma but my sister's mother-in-law, therefore my nieces and nephews' grandma, but she might as well be my grandma too since I grew up swimming at her house too), we were able to stay quite cool. More awesomeness!
Lily doing a dive
Sydnie's sweet slide ride
My cute mom and Claire
Is this post ginormous or what?
And what can I say about these two crazies? What CAN'T I say?! Hanna and Cami, oh the joy you bring to my life! Enjoy this little bit of teen life because it is quickly disappearing! I love our talks, I love our silliness, I love knowing what's going on in your lives. I'm so glad we're close!
No trip to Utah is complete without GameCube time in Grandma's basement. Here's Max doing his thing
I better post this novel and continue later . . . .
BETH!!! Is this you getting revenge for the movie we posted about your 49th birthday like 10 years ago? :D ....sorry, couldn't resist. LOVE AND MISS YOU!!
Hey, you were the one posing, I was just the one with the camera! Love and miss you too, Cam! Get your booty out here!!
Linda is SO CUTE. Great to see a shot of her. We loved having you guys around!
The bliss that was your trip was our bliss too!
So fun to have you here, and so glad I was able to see you so much!
It's Bliss seeing all the pictures, Beth. Thanks for posting!
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